Comprehensive Sexual Health Education FAQ
We put together an overview of Comprehensive Sexual Health Education in GUSD, which is taught in 5th, 7th, and 9th grades in GUSD. This content is required by law (the California Healthy Youth Act of 2016).
GUSD notifies parents and guardians in writing of the upcoming lessons.
Parents have the right to opt out of all sexual health lessons. Parents may NOT opt out of the lessons that cover identity (LGBTQ+), since those are required by the California FAIR Act of 2011. Sexual education material covers healthy relationships, boundary-setting, and infection prevention. GUSD uses Positive Prevention Plus in 7th grade. In 9th grade, student receive their education in Health class.
Positive Prevention Plus, Middle SchoolCurriculum & Teacher Guide.
“Comprehensive Health Education.” GUSD Board Policy 6142.1 and Administrative Regulation 6142.8 Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group. Accessed May 2024.