Updates from GUSD Parents
Epoch Times, California Policy Center, and Anti-Public School Propaganda
What is the connection between the Epoch Times’ CA Insider channel and extremist anti-public school lobbyists and propaganda in California? We’re noticing some alarming trends, and the money laundering allegations against the Epoch Times has us taking a closer look.
Comprehensive Sexual Health Education FAQ
Learn about the state-mandated sexual health education in GUSD.
Understanding Special Education
Schools where students with special needs are fully supported allow ALL students to thrive. Federal and state law require public schools to serve students with special needs.
School Board candidates who tell you we "spend too much on Special Education" or we "can put local dollars into local schools" are talking nonsense. Special Education services have *never* been fully funded.
And if candidates are really concerned about budgets, they should stop draining GUSD's general fund with costly public records requests. (Tag a candidate and let them know!)
Sources: California State PTA, GUSD.net, California Dept. of Education
Our statement on the GUSD cyberattack
Glendale, CA: GUSD Parents for Public Schools calls for centering teachers, students and staff while the district responds to a cybersecurity hack that has prevented access to all computers and online platforms. Students, teachers, and staff face serious challenges without access to essential digital tools. At a time when many are heading into finals and the end of the semester, this attack is putting undue stress on our valued school community.
GUSD Parents for Public Schools is aware that the alleged ransom note sent by hackers has been published by a social media account along with calls to release sensitive district data related to teachers and students. We denounce this attempt to manipulate a situation which impacts all families in the district.